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H.M.R.D.W.N. (Charged Up 2022)

The construction of this robot was no easy feat for the team. It consists of multiple parts: a lower intake mechanism tha the team calls a cowcatcher and an upper elevator with a wrist and knockoff everybot intake. The idea of the cowcatcher is that it can be put put around a game piece so it can be dragged to a ground node. The whole upper system is designed to get game pieces off the shelves and to place them on the middle and top nodes. All of this is on a drive train that has 3 Neo motors on either side along with high grip placation wheels to get as much power and grip as possible.

Tenacity 1 (Rapid React 2022)

Becoming the first Bloomfield made bot to ever be used at a regional championship, and the product of over three hundred hours of work across a period of six weeks, Tenacity 1 is (as of 2022) considered the best bot the team has ever produced. Built under the presidency of Ravi Patel.

DavB1 (Temporary Show Bot 2022)

A humble drive train with a decorative team spirit sign on it (as well as the face of one of our Alumni / Mentors, Dave Persaud). Used to give new members an introduction to the club and FRC, as well as a basic demonstration of how a chassis functions.

Big Red (Infinite Recharge 2021)

Built by ex-president Ravi Patel and other members during the limited time available in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Used during the 2021 Clifton Robot Rodeo. Has the name of many previous robots to show the progress of the club over the years.

Grabby (Destination: Deep Space 2019)

The first truly influential bot created by the team. Built under the presidency of Ethan Farabaugh. Winner of the 2019 Creativity Award from the Bridgewater-Raritan Event for its unique claw design. Brought the team 1 point away from winning a blue banner a tthe same event.